Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Thanks for meeting me at the Basilica! Here we will discuss politics and the influence public policy has in our daily lives. My hope is that individuals will feel free to express their views with conviction while being respectful to other opinions.

It seems that our society continues to move towards one of isolationism where being politically correct and moral relativism rule the day. Therefore frank discussions on issues of importance are becoming less common. We should be able to engage in serious thought provoking conversation without offending or taking offense to ideas that are expressed if it is conducted in a respectful manner. I believe there is benefit in such conversation even if the goal is not to persuade others to your way of thinking. Serious discussion can lead to further refinement in my positions, expose me to new views, and add understanding for other positions. Failing to discuss the issues could lead to not having strong convictions at all which leaves you at the mercy of the opinions of others.

I look forward to meeting you once a month at the Basilica to engage in some thought provoking conversation to explore the ways our Government is or is not serving our basic needs.